stepping stones
... leap to success
Community and Local Authority
We are very much a community focused business providing an inimitable and affordable childcare service.
The partnerships we have formed allow us to benefit the local area as well as provide an enhanced learning programme for children.
We work closely with the Local Authority who assist us in a number of ways. This includes organising training events or direct local authority feedback sessions. The sessions contribute to providing parent's with useful information as well as improving the level of service we offer.
We have held cake sales to raise money for local and national charitable trusts. Our work and commitment for the community has been commended by neighbours, local businesses and the local authority.
We value parent involvement and communication.
At Stepping Stones parents and carers can communicate with staff daily about their child's progress. We also want parents to have confidence in both their child’s continued well-being and their role as active partners, with your child being able to benefit from what the nursery offers.
Coupled to this, we invite parents into the nursery when celebrating events or festivals such as Mother’s day, Easter egg hunts, stay and play sessions and much more!
Additionally, we hold parent meetings twice a year. This is a chance for parents and carers to see their child’s learning journey as well as their development and their next steps. These all are evaluated through the Early Year’s Foundation Stages.